Perspectives, perspectives……… (3)

Many people think that belonging to a middle class family is a disadvantage; because you can't climb the ladders of success as fast you would have, if you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth......... I beg to differ....times change, riches can go away in a flash; so belonging to a middle class … Continue reading Perspectives, perspectives……… (3)

Perspectives, perspectives……… (2)

Just remembered a conversation I had some time back with a friend. He had forwarded me a pic of  10000 galaxies, captured in 1 image using some high-fundoo telescope. And I replied saying it was an ammazzing pic. Not stopping at just that, I went on to add that when we see pictures like this, we … Continue reading Perspectives, perspectives……… (2)

Perspectives, perspectives………

I used to always crib that my new rented flat did not have an electric geyser fitted, and that I had to make do with a solar heater connection....until Sunday!! I had to set out from home early in the morning, and there was no power supply!! At that time, I was so glad that … Continue reading Perspectives, perspectives………